42 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Persamaan Navier-Stokes untuk Aliran Fluida Tidak Termampatkan

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    Kajian ini membahas pemodelan persamaan Navier-Stokes pada aliran fluida yang tidak termampatkan. Fluida diasumsikan tidak mengalami perubahan massa jenis(densitas) akibat aliran. Pemodelan persamaan ini didasarkan pada hukum-hukum dasar fisika yaitu hukum kekekalan massa dan hukum Newton dua. Tujuan skripsi ini adalah memodelkan aliran fluida ke dalam bentuk persamaan diferensial yang kemudian dapat dicari aproksimasi solusinya dan dapat disimulasikan secara numerik menggunakan metode beda hingga. Metode yang digunakan pada skripsi ini berupa studi pustaka dengan mengkaji dan mengembangkan literatur yang berhubungan dengan persamaan Navier-Stokes untuk aliran fluida yang tidak termampatkan dan ilmu mekanika fluida. Berdasarkan hukum kekekalan massa diperoleh persamaan kontinuitas kemudian berdasarkan hukum Newton ke-dua diperoleh persamaan momentum, kedua persamaan ini digabungkan menjadi suatu sistem persamaan diferensial parsiel nonlinear orde dua yang dikenal sebagai persamaan Navier-Stokes. Aliran dalam rongga disimulasikan secara grafis menggunakan persamaan yang telah diperoleh dan menghasilkan simulasi yang merepresentasikan aliran fluida sesungguhnya pada aliran dalam rongga

    Distance Functions Study in Fuzzy C-Means Core and Reduct Clustering

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    Fuzzy C-Means is a distance-based clustering process which applied by fuzzy logic concept. Clustering process worked in linear to the iteration process to minimizing the objective function. The objective function is an addition of the multiplication between the coordinates distance towards their closest cluster centroid and their membership degree. The more the iteration process, the objective function should get lower and lower. The objective of this research is to observe whether the distances which usually applied are able to fulfill the aforementioned hypothesis for determining the most suitable distance for Fuzzy C-Means clustering application. Few distance function was applied in the same dataset. 5 standard datasets and 2 random datasets were used to test the fuzzy c-means clustering performance with the 7 different distance function. Accuracy, purity, and Rand Index also applied to measure the quality of the resulted cluster. The observation result depicted that the distance function which resulted in the best quality of clusters are Euclidean, Average, Manhattan, Minkowski, Minkowski-Chebisev, and Canberra distance. These 6 distances were able to fulfill the basic hypothesis of the objective function behavior on Fuzzy C-Means Clustering method. The only distance who were not able to fulfill the basic hypothesis is Chebisev distance

    Similarity check Pemodelan Persamaan Navier-Stokes untuk Aliran Fluida Tidak Termampatkan

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    Kajian ini membahas pemodelan persamaan Navier-Stokes pada aliran fluida yang tidak termampatkan. Fluida diasumsikan tidak mengalami perubahan massa jenis(densitas) akibat aliran. Pemodelan persamaan ini didasarkan pada hukum-hukum dasar fisika yaitu hukum kekekalan massa dan hukum Newton dua. Tujuan skripsi ini adalah memodelkan aliran fluida ke dalam bentuk persamaan diferensial yang kemudian dapat dicari aproksimasi solusinya dan dapat disimulasikan secara numerik menggunakan metode beda hingga. Metode yang digunakan pada skripsi ini berupa studi pustaka dengan mengkaji dan mengembangkan literatur yang berhubungan dengan persamaan Navier-Stokes untuk aliran fluida yang tidak termampatkan dan ilmu mekanika fluida. Berdasarkan hukum kekekalan massa diperoleh persamaan kontinuitas kemudian berdasarkan hukum Newton ke-dua diperoleh persamaan momentum, kedua persamaan ini digabungkan menjadi suatu sistem persamaan diferensial parsiel nonlinear orde dua yang dikenal sebagai persamaan Navier-Stokes. Aliran dalam rongga disimulasikan secara grafis menggunakan persamaan yang telah diperoleh dan menghasilkan simulasi yang merepresentasikan aliran fluida sesungguhnya pada alira

    A Fuzzy Logic in Election Sentiment Analysis: Comparison Between Fuzzy Naïve Bayes and Fuzzy Sentiment using CNN

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    Sentiment analysis is an analysis with an objective to identify like, dislike, comments, opinion, or feedback on certain content which will be categorized into positive, negative, or neutral. In general selection, sentiment analysis widely known to be used to predict the winner on election process. This method tries to dig the people sentiment on their governor candidates during election, whether it’s positive, negative, or neutral opinion. The output of the positive sentiment is related to people acceptance towards one of the election nominee. That statement usually applied as a base reference for determining the result of the election process. In sentiment analysis, the importance of its fuzzy logics must be considered. Each of the people statement is assumed to have the level of positive, negative, or neutral percentage. The concept of fuzzy logic is developed and applied on one of this text mining method. This research is focusing on comparison analysis and fuzzy logic application in sentiment analysis method. Two method which discussed in this research are Fuzzy Naïve Bayes and Sentiment Fuzzy with convolutional neural network. This research is applied on PILKADA of Solo and Medan district case study. The data of the people opinion are acquired from twitter and collected on September 2020 to December 2020. The two methods which mentioned before are implemented on the acquired data and the output of these method application then compared. The conclusion of this research suggest that different approach will resulting in different output

    The Suitable Distance Function for Fuzzy C-Means Clustering

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    Fuzzy C-Means clustering is a form of clustering based on distance which apply the concept of fuzzy logic. The clustering process works simultaneously with the iteration process to minimize the objective function. This objective function is the summation from the multiplication of the distance between the data coordinates to the nearest cluster centroid with the degree of which the data belong to the cluster itself. Based on the objective function equation, the value of the objective function will decrease by increasing the number of iteration process. This research provide how we choose the suitable distance for Fuzzy C-Means clustering. The right distance will meet the optimization problem in the Fuzzy CMeans Clustering method and produce good cluster quality. They are Euclidean, Average, Manhattan, Chebisev, Minkowski, Minkowski-Chebisev, and Canberra distance. We use five UCI Machine Learning dataset and two random datasets. We use the Lagrange multiplier method for the optimization of this method. The result quality of the cluster measure by their accuracy, Davies Bouldin Index, purity, and adjusted rand index. The experiment shows that the Canbera distances are the best distances which provide the optimum result by producing minimum objective function 378.185. The suitable distance for the application of the Fuzzy C-Means Clustering method are Euclidean distance, Average distance, Manhattan distance, Minkowski distance, Minkowski-Chebisev distance, and Canberra distance. These six distances produce a numerical simulation that derives the objective function fairly constant. Meanwhile, the Chebisev distance shows the movement of the value of the objective function that fluctuates, so it is not in accordance with the optimization problem in the Fuzzy C Means Clustering method